Putting on a plank takes about a week. Theoretically, our team of 3 should be putting on 3 planks a week, but theory and reality don't always meet. Here are the steps....
1) Choose a few boards from the pile
2) Resaw (the thick ones) or plane down to 3/4"
3) Drill out knots and bung
4) Create Spiling Planks / pick up points on the boat
5) Layout and scarph 3 or 4 boards together
6) Plane the entire thing down to the final 5/8" thickness
7) Transfer Spiling marks, batten off, cut top (bottom of boat) edge to line, bottom edge roughly
8) Steam the ends of the plank to get the twist in
9) Fit the top edge and ends
10) Mark the bottom edge
11) Batten off and cut bottom edge
12) Cut gains (1/2 laps at the end of the planks where the overlap tapers to nothing)
13) Sand
14) Rivet
15) Create bevel to accept next plank
We've got a couple months, so I'll post pictures of these steps (and to make it fun, I won't be doing it in order) along with a progress picture.
Anyhow... we've almost got 6 planks on. The 6th just needs to be riveted. Here is the port side. The bottom "plank" is for spiling. It is a temporary, skinny plank we put on the boat. The plank above it is marked where the next plank needs to land, and the molds below it are also marked (remember lining off?). To pick up these points, we use a compass set at a fixed radius and create arcs on the spliling plank. Now it is a simple trick of geometry to find out where those arcs were originated from when we put this spiling splank on the new plank.

Here is the spiling plank laid out on a set of new boards. Using the information on the spiling plank we'll align the new boards in such a way that when we scarph (glue) them together, we'll get a long cedar board with the appropriate bend which will allow us to get the correct pattern out.

Enough of boats for now. Off to Mexico!